So, did some random things last week. Saw Rent, got a nose piercing, went shopping, saw a huge Christmas tree that was lit up, hung out with my niece, went out to the Temple for service, and slept. Good times.
Such a good time Sunday night. Was under a super sensitive worship leader, with a true humble heart. It was awesome to see someone who genuinely just wanted to be with Jesus. I really was enthralled with his position of worship and attitude of meekness. It was honestly what i needed. Throughout the day God was with me telling me to seek Him, regardless of what I was doing. Such a neat thing to have the Creator of the Heaven's reach out to you that way. In the service at night He expressed to me "the rest is insignificant" .. I have been chewing on that all week. I've been thinking about how much stuff i find important or hard to deal with, when in comparision to Jesus, it really is insignificant. Cool realization. Still chewing.