Tuesday, January 09, 2007

So Much To Do

So I'm in the perfect storm right now.. Getting Married, Doing Paperwork for the US Gov, and Moving to another COUNTRY!! It's kinda overwhelming at times. I really do struggle with the timeline, and my thoughts mostly, fears that it won't all get done, that I'll have to leave with something outstanding.

My ever loving fiance has continued to support and encourage me. My family has been so good to come over and help and sort and buy my stuff. My work has been great at keeping me working so I can finance all this. There are so many blessings that I loose sight of. I will miss this place in life, my friends & family so close, my work so challenging, but at the same time I know the place that I am going is full of love and full of Jesus. He's like a shadow that you can't shake.

Again the passage comes back to me "Guard clear thinking and common sense with your life; don't for a minute loose sight of them". Jesus is my clear thinking and my common sense. I need Him. Every breath, every moment. I need Him.


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