Tuesday, December 05, 2006

It's Snowing!!

Well.. After much anticipation we've had our first "real" snowfall. I love the snow. Went walking last night and was just so stoked that it was so white and clean and beautiful. There is nothing like walking in freshly fallen crunchy snow. Of course it wasn't as much fun when I actually had to clean the car off this morning, with wiper blades frozen to the front windshield. BUT.. I can put up with it. Here's a view from my car this morning. It was a beautiful morning, loads of fresh crisp winter air. I put up my "plastic" on our apartment windows as well last night. It's amazing what plastic and a hair dryer can do to keep out drafts. I love the winter. Can't wait for my honey to come back to PEI so I can show him what "real" winter is like :)


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