Friday, November 03, 2006

Hardest Week Yet

SO.. This week hit like a tonne of bricks. I'm glad that it is all over.. that I'm at this side of the week. Feel like I have been in a press for an entire week, and am struggling really hard to resurface after all of that stress and strain.

Some weeks it's hard to even admit that you need God.. It seems like the strength to even call out His name escapes you. Sometimes you are really hurt and in pain and there is no one or nothing that seems to comfort you. It's a hard road to walk down, and to not see any bit of reprieve ahead.

Grace is a funny thing in those times. You don't deserve it, you didn't ask for it, but in those painful moments, it shows it's face and invades situations and gives you a n oasis. It can refresh you and restore your joy, even if but for a few seconds. I love moments like that, where you get to see a glimpse of the horizon before you plunge headfirst back down into the circumstance you find yourself in. It's amazing really that Grace. :)


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