Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Random Thoughts

Today I'm cold. It's freezing on this crazy island and my fingers are frozen. I have my heater on in the office, but it's not warming me up.
My life is random, those things that happen to me are random, how I react is random and what happens next is sure to be even more random than before. I'm glad of this fact; however, it keeps me interested in what's going on, and I'm sure keeps those around me laughing.
Unfortunatly in all this randomness, I don't appear to be any closer to the random goals that I have for my life. It's funny that in the past 5 years or so I have been in this survival goal. If I can make it through the day, and not have any serious cuts or bruises I figure I've had victory. I don't know if that's a good thing, or whether I need to have some sort of "Higher" call. But He hasn't told me anything in that regard, so I guess I just will continue on this aimless mission I appear to be travelling on. oh well. Someday I'll have a purpose. Just not seeing it today :)


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