All About Men
So this weekend, i was driving home from Fredericton and totally felt compelled to go to a service in town.. was driving like a crazy person trying to get there in time, ended up being 15 min late but STILL felt compelled to go into the service.
The worship was not engaging, the speaker was autrocious, and i sat there at the afterservice asking God what in the world He had me there for. In the stillness I was saying to Him - I just want to be where you are.. wherever you are going to show up I want to be there.. If that's all this was about then that's okay.. but I don't understand why I would have to go to see the contrast of a service that is all about man.. all about what we can do for God.. promising again and again we will do for God..
I hate when it's man centred - and then God came to me and said.. and your life isn't? Your life is not about men, what they can do for you, how they can compelete you, how you want them in your life?
OUCH..... Still reeling still thinking over that one.. Man Centered - is that what I have become?