Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Otherness of God

Artist: Lincoln Brewster
Album: Amazed
Track: More Like You

My ways are not Your ways
My thoughts are not Your thoughts
As the Heavens are higher than the Earth
Search me and know my heart
I give myself to You
For the Heavens are higher than the Earth

I know Your ways are higher
I know Your love is greater
Show me Your ways
I wanna be more like You
Make me more like You

My ways are not Your ways
My thoughts are not Your thoughts
As the Heavens are higher than the Earth
Lord come and mold my heart
My eyes are set on You
For the Heavens are higher than the Earth

I have been realizing the past 24 hrs or so how different God is than me. I am shallow, He looks beyond the surface. I get tired easily, His strength continues for eternity. I don't have rescourses or abilities, He's got personality and the riches of Heaven at His disposal. I need things, He doesn't need anything. I am small, He is bigger than I can ever know. It's cool to blow your mind with the otherness of God.. to stop struggling to be something and allow Him to be everything for you. Anything that is good and of value in my life is all stuff that He has put in my life. He's the best of me.


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