Thursday, March 23, 2006

Which would you rather - get hit by a milk truck, or get hit by it's shadow?

Been thinking about this phrase.. Some time ago my great uncle was hit by a milk truck and it ended his life. Fairly random you think? Yeah I thought so as well, but he had become deaf in his old age, and did not hear the truck coming and stepped out in the street. Sometimes it feels like that in my life. That I step out into circumstances and events that I can't hear, and *Bam* I get smacked by a Milk Truck..

But that's not reality, and I was reminded of that this week. Reality is that Jesus is the only one who was ever hit by a Milk Truck. He took full force the penalty of sin, and the penalty of death, on His shoulders for me. As a result, all that I get hit with is the shadow of the Milk Truck, and as we all know shadows, although they block our sun, and can make us kinda cold and feel dreary, do not really hurt us.

As I face this week with all it's randomness and distraction, I'm keeping this truth in mind. It's just a shadow, it's not real, not matter what it FEELS like, I can trust that Jesus has born the full force of whatever comes my way.


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