Saturday, January 28, 2006

All Kinds Of Stuff In The Trunk

Well it's been a busy few weeks for sure. Lots of "stuff" going on.. It's funny how life goes into fast forward sometimes on you - things, events, relationships all go crazy in whirlwinds for a while and you just kinda sit there wondering what it's all going to look like when you get out the other side. I love that life can seem so mundane and blah for so long and then *wham* you get hit on the head with reality.. And you just laugh when the reality you though you were living with is shattered, and you are now enjoying the new one. Life is funny that way, always changing and moving and growing and expanding and never once letting you know what's going on. I love having no conrol over the future, and I hate it all at the same time. I would love to see things stay the same, but I don't know how that is even possible. Life is too fluid, it's kind of like attempting to hold onto water. You can put it in a cup but it's never contained, you can try to hold it back but it will seep out around the edges and up over the top of your barrier. Life gets you, you don't get life.


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