Today I'm okay with myself.
Haven't been here in a while.
I'm okay with the way I look.
I'm okay with the world around me.
I'm okay with the situations that are in my life. Some are not ideal but I'm learning about grace in them, and that things don't always have to go my own way.
I'm learning that honesty is the only way to really get to the bottom of things, and often when you listen real hard the answer is right there in front of you.
I'm okay with the past. The crap and the "leftovers". I can deal with them (in His strength) for today.
I'm okay with tomorrow - as uncertain as it might be. In fact if my life was over tomorrow I know I could be content with it.
I'm okay with my body today. For probably the first time in my life, there's nothing I would change. I'm okay with how I look and more importantly how I FEEL in this body.
I'm okay with God today. I'm not expecting more, not expecting less, only resting in His goodness.
It's a strange day today. But I'm so glad that I'm living it.. Glad that today is here, and I'm not too anxious about what is going to happen tomorrow or how I'm going to feel about it.
I'm settled today. It feels pretty darn good.
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