Monday, July 25, 2005

Some Things I don't Understand

There are somethings I will never understand.

1. When people critizice, or "offer opinions" when they are not asked for or wanted.
2. When people assume that a person is "unable" to do something or won't choose to do something.
3. When someone is begging for something, really really wants it and an opportunity presents itself, and yet they fail to take it.
4. Why cell phone companies charge so flipping much.
5. What is the quickest way to get to your destination if you haven't a clue where you are going.
6. Why all the good men are gone.
7. Where all the good men are gone.
8. Why posting stuff up on this blog helps me.
9. Why all the men on Cori are aweful horrible people.
10. How something that happened SO long ago can have such an effect in my life today.


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