If Only..
If only I had someone to protect me. "I am your protective shade, says the Lord." (Psalm 121:5)
If only I had someone to love me in that special way. " I have loved you deeply, says the Lord" (Malachi 1:2)
If only I had someone to stand by my side. "I will never leave you nor forsake you, says the Lord." (Joshua 1:5)
If only I had someone to be strong when I am weak. "My power works best in your weakness, says the Lord. (2 Corinthians 12:9)
If only I had someone to really know me. "I have serached you and I know you, says the Lord." (Psalm 139:1)
If only I had someone to gaze at me. "I am the one who comforts you, says the Lord." (Isaiah 51:12)
If only I had someone to call me their own. "Before you were born I called you, says the Lord. (Isaiah 49:1)
If only I had someone to laugh with. "I have come to give you life to the full, says the Lord." (John 10:10).
If only I had someone to be my shoulder to cry on. "The one the Lord Loves rests between his shoulders, says the Lord." Deuteronomy 33:12
If only I had someone to hold my hand. " I hold your hand so you will not fall, says the Lord. (Psalm 37.24)
If only I had someone to be captivated by me. "The inner beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit is precious to God, says the Lord." (1 Peter 3:4)
If only I had someone to believe in me. "I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord" (Romans 8:32)
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