Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I Can't Believe It

Well.. The afore mention situation with the guy, and me not being able by God to be in the same room for more than 2 seconds without interruptions or a major catastrophe. Hmm... Interesting enough, we ended up at the same deli at the same time, at the same table. I can't freaking believe it. It's like God went on vacation or something and forgot that He was trying to keep us away like to positively charged magnets. I can't really believe it!!

Anyway, a good chat was had, makes me wish that I had a good guy friend. Someone to just goof off with and chat with. I miss Brian, and the friendship that we had. I really wish I had someone else like that in my life. GAH. But good to have an intelligent adult conversation with a member of the opposite sex FOR SURE!


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