Thursday, June 16, 2005

Over The Room

Artist Lyrics: Ten Shekel Shirt
Song Lyrics: Over The Room
Album Lyrics:
[Buy " " CD]

You thought you might never see the daylight
Hope was dim but it was worth the fight
You made it out and your smile is the most

courageous thing I've seen
And a hush falls over the room, a quiet salute.
I'll get the wine, I'll get the best I can find.
And Christ in me will rise to greet your cheek.
You made it out and your smile is the most

contageous thing I've seen
And a hush falls over the room, a quiet salute

to you
Then we all break out and erupt into song
Of celebration, facination
Your life in daylight has just begun
You made it out and you're moving on
You made it out and you're becoming strong
You made it out and your smile is the most

courageous thing I've ever seen
and a hush falls


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