Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Sometimes I Don't Make Sence

Funks are a wacky thing, how they come on one's self.. How they keep you from seeing things as they really are... How they so taint your view and opinions about people, that you doubt your thought life. I always see funks as something to survive through. I especially hate that as a female, funks can just be chemicals or horomones floating around my body in a random fashion putting me in a terrible state of mind and emotions. Sleep always helps my funks, but in this situation, I had incredible sleep last night and still feel like I am there. I'd love to have a "snap out of it" button, or a "reset" button or some such devise whereby I wouldn't have to deal with irrational thoughts, lack of trust, and overall insecurity. I hate being insecure, which is where most of my funks come from. Something small happens, and I start to doubt my place in life, my reason for being and my personality. I hate feeling like I am wierd, and out of place in my life - all the while i remind myself that This too shall pass. Give myself 2 minutes and this funk is liable to pass and change into some other glorious mood.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Some Things Just Aren't Fair

Andrew M. has seen Jack Johnson in concert.. 'nough said.