Monday, October 25, 2004

Surfing USA

This past weekend I went surfing. I know, I know, it doesn’t really make much sense to go surfing in October, in Canada, on the east coast where we are known more for our ice than our surf. But, it had to be done. I mean I was surfing the internet one day (excuse the pun), and came across a surf school, and the kookiness of it all got to me. So me and a few of my friends went out and gave it a go. I learned a lot out there on the water for three hours.

For one thing I didn’t realize the power of the ocean. I’ve been a beach bum as long as I can remember, and have spent countless hours by the ocean, building sandcastles, or paddling around, or skimming in recent years, but I have never been in waves like that for such a long period of time, just allowing them to pound away at you time and time again. It took my breath away, literally, to get hit in sets and to not be able to stand up against the force of the wave. It was a tremendous feeling to be overwhelmed by water, it got in my mouth, in my ears, and I was smothered by the ocean. I remember at one point turning around and facing the waves and thinking, these waves are playing with me; they are washing over me taunting me about how small I am and how big they are. I was powerless to stop them from dragging me back towards the shore, unable to stand on my feet when one of the big swells broke in front of me. Then, after much effort and energy, I actually got up on the surfboard and started paddling when one of those waves was coming up behind me. I caught “the perfect wave”, and felt the force of the ocean driving me towards the shore. I was startled, taken back, and completely freaked out. I thought to myself, “I’m going to die”, but the wave was powerfully gentle and it’s only desire was to take me to shore. I was caught up in the journey, and it was thrilling to allow the water to carry me to its destination. These waves had a force of their own, and it completely amazed me.

As I think about my experience this past weekend, it makes me think about God’s love and the force of His grace. They are powerful waves that crash into our lives and we are powerless to stop them. God’s love is overwhelming, and at times it seems to be in our face, telling us that God will never ever let us go. His love comes back to us in sets, time and time again washing over our circumstances, and making us stunned by the sheer power of it. Most of the time I fear His love, and I think that He’s going to hurt me with it, or I will be carried away to a place that I will hate, or be hurt by. But the love and grace of Jesus only ever carries us away to the Father, it’s not to hurt us and drown us, but to draw us ever closer to the One who completes us.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Being Mad At God

How do you stay mad at God? I'd like to know, cause I WANT to stay mad at God but the second that I decide that it appears that He moves in to change my mind. I hate the fact that He knows me so well, that He won't ever let me stay in my stubborness. He is cheeky that way, always coming back into my life, when I want Him to stay out, and drawing me back to Himself. I don't understand why He loves me so, but He does. He constantly amazes me with His persuing love. I'm not worthy, but He is.

Monday, October 18, 2004

Never Done This Before

Cool beans, here i am loggin my thoughts on the net. It's a cool thing to be able to spill it all out on the screen, and then walk away from it.