Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I've Moved

Sadly, I am no longer blogging at this address :)

Here's the new one kids :)


Monday, January 29, 2007

Twenty Days Later

So.. A lot has happened lately. I took a trip to Montreal for my visa interview. It was stressful, and amazing, and just a ball of emotions all wrapped up in one. We have been blessed this month seeing God work and move in our lives personally and to see an outpouring of generosity from our friends & family. I did get my very official looking visa. Very impressive, and have been guarding it with my life. We'll activate it in ONE WEEK! Holy. That part is a bit overwhelming, but very exciting all at the same time! Brent is looking forward to coming and getting me, and I can't wait to see him again. The time apart is getting harder and harder. Someone told me that was the best sign there is - to miss someone more and more each time.

It's a weird thing to leave your country. I've been here before, - the move to SC was hard, but not quite as final as this one is. I'm feeling the weight of not being here when my niece/nephew have their next birthdays, and missing all the "fun" that I know will happen over the next bit.

But in this all I have an overwhelming sense of Daddy's goodness, and faithfulness. I know He cares about the details.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

So Much To Do

So I'm in the perfect storm right now.. Getting Married, Doing Paperwork for the US Gov, and Moving to another COUNTRY!! It's kinda overwhelming at times. I really do struggle with the timeline, and my thoughts mostly, fears that it won't all get done, that I'll have to leave with something outstanding.

My ever loving fiance has continued to support and encourage me. My family has been so good to come over and help and sort and buy my stuff. My work has been great at keeping me working so I can finance all this. There are so many blessings that I loose sight of. I will miss this place in life, my friends & family so close, my work so challenging, but at the same time I know the place that I am going is full of love and full of Jesus. He's like a shadow that you can't shake.

Again the passage comes back to me "Guard clear thinking and common sense with your life; don't for a minute loose sight of them". Jesus is my clear thinking and my common sense. I need Him. Every breath, every moment. I need Him.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Holy Flip

So we got our interview Date.. EEKKK January 16th in Montreal. Booked my plane tickets this morning - Quite the rip off, but it will all be worth it in the end!!

I also have a date for the Church Blessing!!!! February 4th! YEAH!!! I'm so flipping excited!! It will be a GREAT time, and I'm so ready to celebrate with my family & friends all that God has been up to.

Brent Arrives tomorrow... 1 more sleep.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Have You Forgotten Me?

How many times have I asked God that question. How many times have I yelled at Him, begged Him, wondered at Him about His intentions towards me. It's where my brain goes first when situations get hard, when I find myself in a difficult spot. I accuse Him of being far off, of putting me out in the cold, of leaving me abandoned in a corner. For me it comes from my childhood; having a father that would threaten to leave me, and my entire family and never come back. I believe others would do the same, especially God. My fiancee and I came across this passage this morning in our devotions (I love being able to say that- Fiancee) :)

Message - Isaiah 49:14But Zion said, "I don't get it. God has left me.
My Master has forgotten I even exist."
16I'd never forget you—never. Look, I've written your names on the backs of my hands.

NIV - Isaiah 49:14 But Zion said, "The LORD has forsaken me,
the Lord has forgotten me.
16 See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;

I posted both verses mainly because I think they both have something special to contribute. The first speaks so much of my heart in those hard times. I don't get it. I'm frustrated, and the only conclusion I can come up with is that He has left me, He has forgotten me, and that I am alone in this big world.

The second version speaks of Him engraving us.. not our names, not our pictures, but US on His hands. I write on my hands to remember very important things. I know if I put something on my hand it will be there when I look down and I will never forget what I am trying so hard to keep (an appointment, a person in prayer whatever). It's the same way with God. He values us, keeps us in His thoughts, keeps us on His hand. I love that picture.

So.. I'm not alone, abandoned or forgotten. How could I be? The creator of the universe has me in doodle form on His hands. Very cool!!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

It's Snowing!!

Well.. After much anticipation we've had our first "real" snowfall. I love the snow. Went walking last night and was just so stoked that it was so white and clean and beautiful. There is nothing like walking in freshly fallen crunchy snow. Of course it wasn't as much fun when I actually had to clean the car off this morning, with wiper blades frozen to the front windshield. BUT.. I can put up with it. Here's a view from my car this morning. It was a beautiful morning, loads of fresh crisp winter air. I put up my "plastic" on our apartment windows as well last night. It's amazing what plastic and a hair dryer can do to keep out drafts. I love the winter. Can't wait for my honey to come back to PEI so I can show him what "real" winter is like :)

Friday, November 17, 2006

Hitching News

Well.. after much "secrecy".. the word is out this week. I'm getting married!! ;) I have found such a wonderful man to spend the rest of my life with; one who loves me unconditionally, gives me so much encouragement, lifts me time and time up to Daddy, who points me in Heaven's direction when I get low. He is an amazing support to me, and I feel like I have come Home.

Long Way Home - Bebo Norman

It's a long way home, and the fists have flown
In the silencce, there's nowhere left to run
It's the battle of our pending love
In teh shadow of another smoking gun
When we dreamed this dream for the first it seemed
We could live this love for a lifetime....you and me

I will not give up this fight
I will not lay down and die
I will not carry this heart of stone
I may not be your place to run
I may not be your kingdom come
I may stumble through this great unknown
But I will be all that is true
I will not give up on you
I was made to be with you alone
Cause you and me, we're gonna see...the long way home

It's a long way home, and crying is done
But the sorrow is still wet upon your face
Our colliding hearts sometimes break apart
But now the pieces are gathered up in grace
When we dream this dream for the last time we'll see
That we lived this love for a lifetime....just you and me


Cause you and I, we're gonna fly..the long way home

This song means so much to both of us. We have both been previously married, which adds a different dimension to the mix. Both of us have "relapsed" at times, back to former ways of thinking and acting, but thankfully God has been faithful and brought us through, taught us more and more about each other, and given us grace in the journey. It is an exciting time for me.

So what now? Well I've put in my notice at work. I'll do some packing, selling, and some re-arranging of my life here, and then hopefully in January we'll be married and moved. God is so good. I so wish I could take my life here and move it to CT. That would be the best of both worlds. But I know that I need to go and follow love.

Follow Love - FFH

I'm gonna miss the simple town full of memories
I'm gonna miss just hanging out with all my friends
The rainy days and summer nights
Skipping stones by the river side
But i know.. its time to go

So here's goodbye here's so long
I must go and follow love
I feel my heart moving on
I must go and follow love
Carry on while I'm gone
This is what i've been dreaming of
I miss you so
But i must go, go and follow love

I've got a heart thats full of dreams
and a little bit of crazy
I can feel it pulling me to somewhere i have never been
I'm packing up and leaving home
To travel into the great unknown
Its time, i have to go

So here's goodbye here's so long
I must go and follow love
I feel my heart moving on
I must go and follow love
Carry on while I'm gone
This is what i've been dreaming of
I miss you so
But i must go, go and follow love

Were not guaranteed tomorrow
So we must just keep on living for the day
and make the most of every moment
every step along the way...oh

So here's goodbye here's so long
I must go and follow love
I feel my heart moving on
I must go and follow love
Carry on while I'm gone
This is what i've been dreaming of
I miss you so
But i must go, go and follow love

I must go, go and follow love

Sigh.. God is good. So very good. He has heard my prayers.