Monday, May 08, 2006

The Challenge

I think the challenge in life is learning to let go.. To learn that we are itty bitty and that God is BIG BIG.. and that we really can't do for ourselves. To know that our place in this life is something that is to relax in not take forcibly what has always been God's.

Matt R. does this great song that states "We are Breathing the breath that You gave gave us to breath" - so true.. everything that we have is from God even down to our breath. We can't even breath on our own.

In a lot of ways that's irritating. I mean we FEEL like we have things together like we can do stuff on our own, like we are making it in this life. Whatever we study or work at appears on the surface to be going well because of our intellect or amazing powers of reasoning. Sometimes I don't LIKE the fact that even the air that i breath was put there by God, and is breathed into me, by His grace. Sometimes I have a lot of trouble accepting help. A hard time recognizing my need, and admitting my smallness..

But othertimes, it's LOUD and in my face like a freight train. I can't escape my littleness, can't escape knowing that i am so small. I want to be grown up, i want to do the things i see the big kids doing around me, but I am reminded every second that I am still so small.

It is somewhat reassuring to know as well that I am not responsible as a small, weak individual. We never expect from our little kids. we never ask of the ones who can't help themselves. They just are.. and they are taken care of.. Stolen moments of play and happiness is what they are after, not effort or trying.

So.. the challenge for today is to rest in what Daddy has shown me for today. To trust that tomorrow is going to be provided for, and to Know beyond doubt that His love for me is never changing.


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