Well.. It's been a while now hasn't it? Funny how time speeds up sometimes. I have been enjoying the journey and so much so that I haven't had time to blog. Daddy has been showing me so much of His love, His grace, His compassion in my life. He has been buying back from me the wasted years, and singing His love song over my life.
In it all He has brought an incredible man into my life. Someone who is loving, and caring, a great listening ear, someone who points me to Jesus day in and day out, who knows my weakness and still loves me, someone who has given me more understanding than anyone I have ever known. I have known love in the past few months, and have grown, and have responded to that love in ways that I never thought possible. I love who Daddy is shaping me to be in all this. I love the peace and deep security He has placed in my heart through it all, and I am so excited to see the future the three of us have together. Daddy has made a home for me in this man, has given me a sence of belonging and security that I have never known. He has truly blessed me and I am overwhelmed.
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